Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mr. Mom

As some of you may know Bruce was laid off in October so he has been playing Mr. Mom a lot more while I work. Since he is collecting unemployment until he can find a descent job I've started working 8 hours a week at Idaho Athletic Club. While I was gone yesterday he cleaned the house, did the dishes and made a Gingerbread house with the girls. (this is a HUGE step for him) I was very impressed! He had a great time with the girls. He then begin to tell me he doesn't know how I do it all the time. That being a Mom is very exhausting. I think a little role reversal every now and then is a great idea for every man just to see how much work being a Mom really is.


Sierra Night Tide said...

That is awesome! Times are tough but making the best of it is up to each of us. Happy & warm memories

Cami said...

I would definitly agree about the role reversal. Hope something comes up soon.

Kellie said...

Now THAT is awesome! I'm glad he got to experience the Mom thing. Aren't those kits the best? Pretty darn easy and super cute, too. I haven't posted our pics yet.

Julie Hall said...

What a great Dad! Isn't it so nice to hear that we are appreciated once in a while?

(I LOVE the family picture at the top of your blog! It turned out SO cute!)

Anne said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Bruce lost his job! I hope he'll get a good one soon! I hope you're all doing good even though it must be tough right now.