Friday, October 9, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

So for the last week we've been sick with the flu here. Collin started first last Wednesday. He came in at 6:30am and told me his throat hurt. Well since the swine flu is running ramped here that was a red flag he was staying home. Come that night he had a fever and just laid on the couch. His poor eyes were so red. You could just look at him and tell he didn't feel good. He was the same way the next day. By Friday we was feeling somewhat better. Then Sienna got it and a few days later Jordon did until finally it was my turn. I ended up getting it Wednesday. Yesterday was the worst day. I had the WORST sinus pressure, cough, sore throat, fever, body aches & pains. I would be freezing all day and when my fever broke I would have sweet dripping down my back, legs ... etc. Anyway, not fun to say the least.
Well, the kids have cabin fever. So we took a trip to the pumpkin patch tonight. It was really windy and cold but the kids had a great time. We went through the corn maze, walked through the pumpkin patch, played in the corn box, went on pony rides, rode the cow train, jumped on jumping pillows and froze our butts off. Nothing like good ole family fun!

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