1. When I leave on vacation or any trip for that matter the house has to be cleaned before we go. My Mom was the same way. That way when we get back that is one less thing I have to do. Plus you come home to a clean home.
2. I fold towels a certain way and can't stand them to be folded any other way. Also another great thing I learned from my Mom ... haha
3. If I dream about a person I haven't seem in a long time I tend to run into them within a month or so of dreaming about them.
4. I LOVE peanut butter on all my waffles, pancakes & french toast. I've even gotten my husband to eat it that way .. oh and my exchange student Kamila. You should try it! ;)
5. I am a lotion fanatic! Anytime my hands get wet I have to reapply lotion to them. Dry hands give me the sensation that I can't breath. I know it's weird ... :S
6. When I was younger (and didn't know any better) I use to want a huge family. Like 10+ kids, good thing I wised up!
7. I would love to travel the world and can't wait for the day when my hubby and I can!
I tag Cala, Tasha, Alex, Dawn, Lindsey, Lanie & Holly