I took Collin to 'Walking With Dinosaurs' last week. We loved it! It was great to finally spend time with just him. I don't get to very often so I try to take advantage of it. The dinosaurs looked very realistic I was very impressed. I could hardly believe how many people showed up on opening night. It was at the Idaho Center and I bet the thing had to have been close to being sold out. Collin has been wanting to see Twilight ever since I read the book a year ago. So I took him to the show Saturday afternoon. I think it was a little slow for him in some parts. Of course like everyone else he loved the baseball scene.
Bruce and I took Jordon to 'Beauty and the Beast' play at Capital High School on Friday night. The play lasted 2 1/2 hours and Jordon was thrilled! She loved every minute of it and didn't want to come home. I'm so glad we are able to take our kids to such events. I just hope that they can remember some of the things we do for them.
Here are a few pictures of the kids playing together.