Dad would take me on business trips with him. I so enjoyed that time I got to spend with him. I felt so special! My Dad is very affectionate and I love that about him. I loved to sit and cuddle with him while we watched TV, or hold his hand as we walked. I never ever doubted the love that came from my Father. I always knew he loved me.
Dad thank you for all that you have done for me. You always stood by my side even when I made bad decision. You still loved and supported me. You AMAZED me as the love you have for my Mother was shown in how you cared for her when she was sick. You are a true hero to me in the obstacles you have overcome in your life. You still pressed on with a smile on your face. Thank you for that! Thank you for everything!

Happy Father's Day to my husband. What a great Dad he is. I love to watch him play with his girls and Collin. The way he teaches them to crawl, walk, their colors & numbers, the alphabet and to ride a bike. The big hugs he gives them when he comes home.
I know it will only get better in time.

I'm thankful for our Father in Heaven. For the love he shows me everyday. For the guidance he gives me to make it through each day. I know I couldn't make it through this life without him.

Happy Father's Day to ALL you amazing men out there!