This last weekend our family went to Oregon to my cousins wedding reception. Can I just tell anyone who hasn't traveled with children yet what a nightmare it is!!! HOLY COW!!! We flew out Thursday morning at 11:30. We arrived to the airport late and we were flying Southwest Airlines so it's first come first serve unless you have kids then you get to board first. Well not when you are late! We got there just as the last oh .. probably 15 people left to board. YIKES! No one would move as we ventured down the aisle to the back of the plane. Bruce, Jordon, Collin, Kamila, I and Sienna. I sent Collin to sit between 2 ladies and Kamila sat across the aisle from him. Bruce sat with Jordon a few rows behind Kamila and finally a very nice man offered to move so I could sit 2 aisles behind Bruce. So I hollered at Bruce to tell Collin to come and sit with me. Jordon and Sienna did pretty dang good on the flight. The last 10 minutes they fussed a little.
So we arrive in Oregon and go to get a rental car. I explained to the gal that I needed one of the biggest cars or a mini van because we have 4 adults, and 2 car seats and luggage. So she gives us a Jeep something or another I dunno what but it was too small. So I went back and got a mini van. Worked out great, even though I'm not a mini van lover.
Then we headed to the Woodburn outlet mall and shopped the entire afternoon. The kids did great I was presently surprised. We then headed off to Albany to my cousin Lindsey's house where we stayed. She made us some delicious lasagna and bread. Lindsey was a great hostess. So we got all settled in Bruce and I in one room with Sienna and Collin, Jordon and Kamila in another room. So Bruce tried to put Jordon to bed, wasn't happening. I had got Sienna put to sleep. Bruce brought Jordon in our room to try and put her to sleep but all she did was cry and wake up Sienna. Now I'm about to have a nervous break down so Bruce took Jordon downstairs and slept on the couch. Kamila came downstairs and offered to sleep on the couch so that Bruce and Jordon could sleep on the bed with Collin. Well Bruce fell asleep and Jordon went downstairs and slept with Kamila. During the night Bruce realized Jordon wasn't in bed and went downstairs to get Jordon and bring her back up to the bed. Crazy night!!
So Friday we went to the coast but only had maybe 4 hours to spend there before Jenny's reception. We went to the outlet mall there but only for maybe an hour and then headed on over to Mo's for clam chowder. We went down to the beach for just a few minutes cuz it was time to go. It was too bad because Jordon and Collin really enjoyed the beach.
So we headed off back to Albany and got ready for the reception. Went to the reception and on the way there lost Sienna's binky. This was really bad!! I was trying to enjoy myself at the reception but Jordon was tired and Sienna was extremely unhappy and needed her binky. So we left early to go home and go to bed. We went to the store and bought 2 different kinds of binkies and of course neither of them worked. So we drove back to the spot we thought we may have lost the binky and sure enough there it was sitting in a ray of light. Bruce picked it up and I cleaned it and we headed home. Put the kids and ourselves to bed. This time Kamila slept in the room with me and Bruce, Collin and Jordon slept in the den. Well Jordon is a crazy sleeper and she was rolling all over Collin so Bruce and Jordon slept on the couch.
Saturday was our mini family reunion. We all met at my Grandpa's grave and then headed on over to the park and played. After a few hours we went over to my Aunt Lisa's house and visited the rest of afternoon and into the night. This time Bruce and Jordon slept in the bed and Collin on the floor.
Sunday morning we got up and went to breakfast with my sisters and my Dad. It was delicious! We then headed on over to Corvallis to some Art Carnival. I have never seen so many hippies/granola's in my life! Very interesting. We had a BBQ at my Aunt's again and then drove to Portland for the night and staying in a 2 queen bed bedroom. Yep you guessed it ... NO SLEEP!
Got up at 6:15am to get ready to fly to home sweet home! Sienna slept the entire flight and Jordon did pretty good with Bruce again. It was a nice trip but sleepless and stressful with kids. I am very glad to be home and get back into our routines. It was so nice to see my cousins though. Here are a few pictures from the vacation.