I just got back from taking Kamila to the airport. She has finished her journey and experience here in Idaho for now. It was a very emotional night for us last night saying most of our goodbyes. Now I kind of know how Kamila Sr. felt the day Kamila left Czech Republic to come here. It just seems like yesterday Collin and I drove to the airport to pick her up. I can't hardly believe how fast 10 months can go bye.
We will have some wonderful memories of our trips to Utah & Oregon, sharing our holiday's with her, watching movies together, playing Guitar Hero & Rockband, eating chocolate popcorn, choc chip cookies, smoothies from TCBY, the list goes on and on. We hope to share lots more memories with Kamila thru-out the years.
Last night Kamila wanted to see Sienna take her first step before she left. Surprisingly she got her wish. As Ang and Hailey came thru the door I set Sienna down on her feet and she took 2 steps toward her chair. So Bruce and Kamila was having Sienna walk back and forth between the 2 of them while I videoed. It was really special! Kamila left her fleece blanket her for Jordon whom Kamila will miss the most. She put the blanket on Jordon last night as she went to bed and laid with her till she feel asleep. We will miss Kamila tremendously! We wish her the best back in Czech Republic and hope to see her again soon. Love you Kamila!!