Yesterday was Bruce and I's 4 year anniversary. It's hard in a way to believe time has gone by so fast. We've been together for 6 years now. These are some of the things we've done in the last 6 years:
Lost my Mom
Bruce moves to Houston for (7 months)
Bruce moves back
Get married
Buy a new house
Get pregnant (doesn't take long ;))
Have a baby girl (Jordon)
Build a new house
Get pregnant (once again .. didn't take long)
Have another beautiful girl (Sienna)
Ever since the day I first met Bruce I felt a strange connection with him. I wanted to get to know more about this cocky younger man. We would talk a lot about our families, friends, likes, dislikes, etc while at work. We became really good friends. We enjoyed listening to each other and eventually looked forward to seeing each other. He has always been a great support to me. I enjoy his sense of humor, good looks (hehe), sensitivity, and most of all I love his personality. Once you get past his outer shell there is a wonderful man inside. He is an awesome father! His girls love him and his step-son looks up to him. Happy 4 years Bruce and many more to come. I love you!