On Thursday Jordon had her teeth fixed. We had to do it at the Hospital (St. Lukes downtown) because she is afraid of the drill. Well, most kids are. She had 2 giant cavities on both bottom molars. Bruce and I juggled the thought of doing this costly procedure. Insurance covers 80% of it and we thought we had better do it before our insurance runs out on the 15th. We are so glad we did.
I got up at 4:15am that morning to get ready because we had to be there by 6am to check in (it's about a 25 min drive). Woke up Jordon at 5am to get her ready. She was very excited about going to the hospital. We really worked it up as an exciting thing. Got to the hospital around 5:55am and got checked in. They took us back to post-op and monitored her blood pressure and temperature. Then they had her take some medicine to help relax her before they roller her back. She did awesome. They wheeled her back and put her to sleep and gave her an IV and cleaned her teeth, took x-rays, filled cavities and put 2 caps on the molars. Dr. Higer said that one of the cavities was really deep and was glad we had decided to do this because a couple months down the road she would have had a really bad toothache.
Once she was awake they brought me back. They monitored her for another hour to make sure she didn't have a reaction to the anesthesia. She had a Popsicle and some water. It was a great experience for all of us and glad we were able to get her teeth fixed. Here are some pictures of her 'Princess Teeth'. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry.