Thanksgiving Point
Chilling watching a movie together
Hogel Zoo
Baird Family Reunion in Preston
Bruce had to work in Utah again this last week. So the kids and I drove down on Wednesday to stay a couple of days with him and then drive onto Preston for a Baird family reunion. This is how it went:
Took off Wednesday at 1pm. I put a diaper on Jordon because she seriously drinks about 12 sippy cups a day and pees at least every hour. Sure enough about 40 minutes into the drive she had to go. I told her to just pee in her diaper and she wanted a toilet. I told her I wasn't stopping so she finally peed and thought it was funny to have a diaper on again. We stopped at a rest stop around the Twin Falls area and I let the kids run around for about 10 minutes. Changed diapers and loaded up again. Sienna then poop about 20 minutes later and had to stop again and change her diaper. She fell asleep and the drive was SO much easier and quieter might I add. We stopped in Tremonton at the McDonalds and I let the kids play at the play area for about 30 minutes. Loaded back up and headed to SLC. We made it around 6:30pm and the kids were excited to see Daddy. We stayed at some apartment complex in Taylorsville called Springhill apts. It was so cheap, only $63 a night for a 1 bedroom apt with a living room that had a hide-a-bed and kitchen. It was perfect! Thanks Cala for the idea. :) It also had a pool, tennis court, volleyball area and a sweet workout room. The first night was hell though. I ended up sleeping with Jordon on the hide-a-bed, Collin on the blow-up bed and Bruce and Sienna in the bedroom. The girls didn't fall asleep until almost 11pm.
I took the kids to Thanksgiving Point on Thursday morning while Bruce was at work. They thought it was awesome. I attempted to take them to the Garden area shortly after 11am. Unfortunately that came to a quick end when all 3 started whining because they were so tired from lack of sleep. I loaded them back up and headed home. Sienna fell asleep within 5 minutes and had a sweet 30 nap on the way home. I attempted to lay her down when we got back to the apt. but she woke up. GREAT!!! Jordon wouldn't lay down either. So they played outside for a bit and I layed Sienna back down around 2pm. She finally fell asleep and took a little over an hour nap. That night went much better. Collin & Jordon slept on the hide-a-bed together and Sienna on the blow-up bed.
On Friday Cala & Dan and Tasha & Cade had shown up and stayed at the same place as well. They were there for a Thomas the Train thing for the boys. We all went to Hogel Zoo around the noon hour. The kids had a great time. We headed home around 4:30ish and then played a little tennis at the apt complex. That night we had the same sleeping arrangements and once again it was a good night.
Saturday morning we took off to Preston around 9:30am and arrived 2 hours later. Took the kids swimming at the resort pool which was about 90 degrees from the natural hot springs. Headed on over to the camp ground where the reunion was at and visited and had dinner. Collin wanted to camp with Grandma & Grandpa so he stayed there. Jordon & Sienna slept together on the bed in the room. Sienna woke up at around 2am and started whispering 'sissy ... sissy wake up'. It was cute but not at 2am. We kept trying to 'shhh' her but she eventually woke up Jordon. No crying thank goodness, just a bunch of giggling. They finally fell back to sleep around 4am (ish). We headed back over to the camp ground (15 minutes away) in the morning only to get rained out pretty much all day. I was able to get both girls to take a nap in the camper trailer for about an hour and a half. THANK HEAVENS! It got too cold from the rain so we headed back to the motel for the girls to warm up in the sweet tubby in the room. The played in it for almost an hour. We went to Artic Circle with G&G for dinner and the kids got to play in the play area. We decided to just come home that night instead of waiting till morning. It was a very good decision because we were able to drive the whole way home without stopping. I think the kids had a great time as did Bruce and I. We were pleasantly surprised with how well the kids did on not very much sleep. We are glad to be home and able to get back into our typical routine now. :)