Today is Collin's 11th birthday. At times it's hard to believe it has been that long ago. I can still vividly remember when he was born. I had to be induced because of high blood pressure. I tried laboring all (8hrs) day without on epidural. Finally at 5pm I asked if I could get one. I went from a 4cm to 10cm in 3 hours. I pushed for 32 minutes. Collin made his debut at 8:32pm. He was a little blue when he came out so they took him to NICU for about 30 mins and brought him back.
He was such a colicky baby. He would scream for about 4-5 hours every night. Thankfully my Mom had plenty of experience from when I was a baby so she taught me how to handle a colicky baby. Once Collin grew out of that he was such a fun and happy baby. He used to flex every muscle in his body when sitting in the highchair. It was hilarious. We called it 'the flex'. He has been such a great big brother to his sisters and I'm so thankful for that.
On Saturday we had a little birthday date and I took him to the mall to get his birthday present. He got 2 pairs of jeans, a sweatshirt, beanie, shoes and some sun glasses. Here is a picture of his new getup.

Happy Birthday to my amazing 11 yrs old son ... Collin!