Sunday, February 7, 2010

Enough Already

So our house seems to be the house of sickness this season. I've been sick off and on since November 1st. Starting with H1n1 that led into Bronchitis which lasted 6 weeks. Had to take 2 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it. Only to get a sinus infection 2 weeks later which brought back the cough. Had another round of antibiotics was healthy for 1 week and got sick again. So I'm on my 4th round of antibiotics which the Dr. wants me on for 2 weeks to try and rid my body of whatever bug I have.
Jordon seems to be right along with me. When I get sick, she gets sick. She has had head colds and ear infections. She has had 4 ear infections since November and has also been on antibiotics 5 times. Now she and Sienna are very sick again this weekend. They've been running fevers of close to 103 degrees. They are hacking their lungs out and have stuffed up noses. All they've done is laid around on the couches for the last 2 days. It's really sad to watch and not be able to do much.
Yesterday Bruce and I cleaned our house from top to bottom and disinfected like crazy. I'm really tired of being sick all the time and hope that this is the last of sickness in our house for a LONG time!


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea! I'm sorry Robyn :(

Robyn Baird said...

Thanks Sarah! :D

The Browns said...

Sorry to hear you are battling again. Kyle's been sick for 25 days straight now and the damn PA he went to won't change the antibiotic til tomorrow, which makes 8 days on an antibiotic that's not working. UUGGHH!!! The only doctor worth anything wasn't able to see Kyle last week so he went to a doc-in-the-box in Twin. I hate the medical people here....they don't know what the hell they are doing. Kids and I have been sick since Jan 29th. We were able to get to the one and only good doctor here and we're all on amoxicillan but he gave us a low mg so we have to be on it 15 days. Better than nothing. Right there with ya sista!!! :)

nelsonjeneen said...

Dude, I agree. This season has been horrible for sicknesses. I can't wait till the spring. We haven't had it quite as bad as ya'll but it just seems to never end.

We have been sick every month since November 1st too! That is funny. And now we have a diarrhea. ugh.
Good luck and I hope you start feeling better.