Jordon as you should know by now loves to play dress up. She has gotten Sienna into this act, well maybe Sienna does it because Jordon does ... who knows. Anyway, they both have fairy dresses and love to dress up together.
Some of you may or may not know but Bruce was laid off from Albertson's IT dept. a couple of months ago and has 2 weeks left. They gave him a sweet 4 week severance package (note the sarcasm). He has had 5 interviews in the last week or so and so far all but 1 job has called and said they hired someone else. Nevertheless he has felt really bad about that. I try to cheer him up but he feels like he is a disappointment to me and our family. I don't feel that way at all. I think he has done a great job holding his head up high and trying desperately to find another descent job. The 1 job he really wants we are hoping to hear from this next week, so please keep your fingers crossed for us.
So after 2 1/2 years of testing, tutoring and quarterly meetings with the school we have decided to hold Collin back into 3rd grade. The poor kid has ADHD and dyslexia and is only at a beginning 3rd grade level. After looking at his school work the first week in 4th grade at all the incomplete work I knew it was way over his head. I emailed the principal and told her I wanted Collin back in 3rd grade. We had a meeting the following day and we all agreed it would be in Collin's best interest. That following Monday they placed him in Mrs. Storey's class. The transition went really well and he is adjusting great. I feel that this has been a great move for him. Now he doesn't feel like he is the 'dumb' one in the class and is at the same level as all the other kids. We are hoping that this year will also help him mature more so that we can cope better with the ADHD.