Monday, October 4, 2010

Dr. Appointment

Had a Dr. appt today with Lowder. So far everything is looking great. This is my first pregnancy that I haven't battled high blood pressure with. I was able to control my diabetes through diet and keep my blood sugar under 120 every time. Now I only have to prick my finger 2x's a day. Baby is measuring right on to a little big. Not too worried yet. I actually lost a couple pounds this visit. That was nice to see. I asked Dr. Lowder if we can induce on the 5th. As long as I'm progressing and somewhat dilated it shouldn't be a problem. In 2 weeks is my 36 week check up which the Dr. starts checking for dilation and to see if the cervix is ripening. After that I go every week. I'm so excited!


Sarah said...

Do you have diabetes? Or just the kind people get when they're prego? I'm admittedly stupid on this topic. haha Just curious.

I can't believe that you've gone almost an entire pregnancy and I've never seen you yet! EEK! We need to rectify that, Mrs. Baird! Hoping for a game night, soon. :O)

Robyn Baird said...

Just when prego thank goodness!! It's been ages since we've played with you guys. Game night ASAP!