What is his name? Bruce William Baird Jr.
How long have you been married? 3 1/2 yrs
Who eats more? ahhh ... Bruce by far (unless it's chocolate chip cookies)
How long did you date? 2 1/2 yrs
How old is he? 28
Who said I love you first? Me
Who is taller? Bruce
Who sings better? Me for sure, but at least he tries
Who is smarter? Depends on the subject ;)
Whose temper is worse? I would say Bruce, me following close behind
Who does the laundry? Me
Who does the dishes? Me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Bruce
Who mows the lawn? Bruce most of the time
Who cooks dinner? Me & my sisters
Who kissed who first? Bruce
Who asked who out? I did, I asked him to take me to Jackpot
Who proposed? Well officially he did, BUT I picked out the ring and basically told him to 'shit or get off the pot'.
Who has more friends? Me, Bruce hates to make new friends
Who is more sensitive? Bruce would say me but I think he is by far!
Who has more siblings? We both have 4 siblings.
Who wears the pants? I think it is pretty dang even
I got this tag and pass it along to anyone else who wants to join in the fun